Party Game that challenges friends and family with 5 rounds of questions about YOU. If there's debate regarding an answer, throw the baloney and state your case!
Only 5 Rules. Easy for kids and adults to learn so you can get to the fun faster.
Squishy Baloney Toy. Often we know people better than they know themselves. Toss the baloney to state your case to get the point!
Humor filled. EAP Toy and Games are humor-driven, focusing on connection with friends and family through laughter.
Cross-generational entertainment. Whether you're a kid, a teen, or an adult, our stress-free games transcend age barriers, ensuring everyone joins in on the fun.
Conversation starter. A new way to get people talking and sharing stories and memories.
Prove it. Some cards have a prove it feature that will have players proving their answers or their skills and talents.
Ice breaker. Need a fun way to get people connecting. You Who?! is a stress free, easy way to get the party started.
Fun for 2 players or larger groups.
Questions based on real life because real life is funny, nothing forced or hypothetical here.